Caldera: a beautiful transformation
Have you ever seen the beauty of a Caldera? Crater Lake in Oregon and sea-filled Santorini, Greece are incredible examples of calderas. But these weren’t always beautiful, peaceful spaces.
A Caldera is the rebirth that resulted from a volcanic eruption. The eruption was a horrific event that created destruction and devastation. It was the end of something.
And yet, the eruption is the beginning of a transformation. It is just the beginning of what lies ahead. When the volcano’s crater, newly sunken into the earth, turns into a body of water, it’s an incredibly picturesque space!
I liken this process to one that most people undergo when they endure some sort of “negative” experience…. one that leads to a major transformation in their life. When we are in the midst of a crisis such as a divorce or job change, the world can feel very dark around us and it is hard to imagine what beauty may lie ahead. And yet, just like the volcano, endings lead to beginnings.
Discovering Possibility
Volcanoes can happen in our lives daily. Little things “go wrong” and it can often feel like a volcanic eruption. The bigger events like a relationship or career change can have an even greater impact, creating a big, dark crater that feels so deep…. like we may never get out of it. What is key is for us to know that possibility lies ahead. Our lives are made up of the experiences we create from the things that happen around us.
Why Caldera Coaching?
At many points in our lives, we encounter these volcanic eruptions when a major change occurs, often unexpectedly. When we are ready to take action and find the beauty in our own future caldera but we aren’t sure how, it is an excellent time to elect coaching as a resource.
In coaching over 500 individuals that have gone through some of these difficult times, Jodi Hummer has helped them find the beauty of their own caldera—their new life, their new beginning. She seeks to help her clients understand where the possibilities exist in their situation and then support them through the process of turning those into reality.
Not sure where to use this?
Let the Caldera inspire you!
Caldera Coaching Process
This may be why you sought out this website. You know you have a better future ahead and you don’t like living in the negativity of the past. Your volcano erupted but you now have caught a glimpse of the “light at the end of the tunnel” and you want to find your way to it. You just aren’t sure how to step out of your current state to reach it.
When you want to move forward, it is important to understand your current emotions and limitations which can cause you to hang onto the past. These can be positive memories about the past that make you want to “go back” when that is not possible because the volcano destroyed that old reality. Or they can be feelings of sadness, anger or fear as you are brought back to the negative memories. You feel as though you are stuck in the darkness of the eruption as these emotions keep bringing you back. We work together to help you rise above the past, assessing and understanding all of these emotions so you can begin to accept them. The acceptance leads you to an escape from the past.
You are now ready to create your beautiful caldera! This is your time of discovery. You are fully defining what the future could hold and how things can look in an ideal life. You start to visualize the caldera’s colors and features as you explore, dream big and get excited!
After options are discovered, we start to get specific on where you are headed. You develop a more precise view of what you want the future to hold and can fully describe your caldera.
As you prepare to take action, you need to take the time to think through what may stand in the path of your caldera creation. During coaching we uncover potential pitfalls and obstacles that could keep you from being successful. You will understand how you will handle these barriers in advance so they don’t limit you from reaching your goals and feeling defeated early in the process..
You are ready to outline your action plan and follow through upon it. Your Caldera is in sight now and you just have to take steps toward the final creation of it. As your coaching partner, I’ll help you define how to hold yourself accountable and make your dream a reality!
Your beautiful caldera is taking shape! You are enjoying this new chapter of your life, implementing the necessary actions that are needed to cultivate and grow your new reality. You feel the beauty on a daily basis and you feel refreshed each moment of each day. You are fulfilled in your caldera.

About Us: Jodi Hummer
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I "try it before I buy it" with coaching?
Absolutely and this takes place with any potential client. These initial consultations (generally 20-30 min) have no fee associated with them. The goal is to ensure we both feel a proper fit is evident before proceeding with a full engagement.
How long do coaching sessions last?
A coaching session typically lasts around one hour although some may extend to 90 minutes or a client may only need a 30 minute session. This is determined by the client, based on their needs.
Do I need to take an assessment of any kind?
While assessments are not required, they can be impactful to the client’s experience. That being said, Jodi is certified in multiple assessments and can also work with past assessments that clients may still feel represent them well.
Is there a minumum number of hours to be expected?
While there is no minimum number of hours required to engage, a client should anticipate at least five sessions to get some impact from the coaching experience. These can be weekly but many opt to spread their sessions out over a couple months. Most clients tend to engage for 3-6 months and some remain connected for over a year.
How is coaching different than counseling or mentoring?
Many people engage in counseling due to an issue in their past that may be preventing them from moving forward. Or they may be struggling with finding the motivation to take action.
Mentoring is designed to assist people in learning how to handle matters basecd on the advice of a respected, experienced colleague.
Coaching is intended for the person that is living their lives normally but wants to live at a higher level. Nothing may be wrong, per se, but the person knows living at 100% is not good enough – they want to live at 150%!